
How to keep Lily flower last longer?

How to keep Lily flower last longer? - Lily

Nature is very fond of bringing us a variety of beautiful flowers with a radiant scent that adorns life more interesting and gentler. Each flower, whether blooming brightly or quietly, has its own special and special meaning. Lilies is a flower that is quite popular all over the world and for a long time, it seems to be a flower that holds an important place in the cultures of many countries, especially in European countries. So how to preserve Lily flower so that we can enjoy its fragrance and beauty for a longer time.

How to choose fresh Lilies flower

Lily flower has been known as one of the noble and luxurious flowers. It is not only a symbol of beauty and pride, but also a sign of noble, faithful love that is difficult to find in any other flower. For that reason, Lilies are always loved by people, using for home decoration and gifting to relatives and friends on holidays.

So how can we buy beautiful lilies and preserve it fresh and last longer?

To choose beautiful lilies and fresh you need to pay attention:

  • Choose branches that contain both buds and flowers. The flower is still fresh, the petals are not crushed, the pistil is still full of pollen. The buds are long and big, chubby.
  • Beautiful lilies branches are fat flowers, green leaves, and petals when touched, they feel smooth, bold flowers, and mild scent.
  • Leaf stems are lush, free from pests and diseases, and are not crushed.
  • If lilies are still wrapped in a plastic bag, observe carefully because the stems can be stamped or glued.
  • Do not choose branches with flowers that bloom a lot or that are contaminated with pollen. Because the pollen will quickly darken the petals, it will not last for long.
  • Do not choose broken trees or lilies, with wilted leaves, or falling buds on flowers.
  • Choose lilies should choose branches that look fresh, green leaves, and bright flowers.

Preserving Lilies after harvest

With Lily flowers, when cut from the root, must be stored in an environment with high humidity. Make sure to keep the flower relative humidity at 95%. Store the temperature as low as possible as this will prevent the flower from becoming dehydrated and the flower will stay fresher for longer. in addition, after cutting the branches from the tree, it is necessary to ensure a clear conduction to prevent bacteria from growing. At the same time, it creates conditions for flowers to absorb enough water and nutrients for long-term plant nourishment.

How to care for Lilies in a vase

To have a vase of lilies that is both beautiful and fresh for a longer time, it is necessary to choose very fresh flower branches that do not wither, green leaves, and twigs with both buds and flowers.

Before putting the flower in vase, cut the base of the stem to easily absorb water. However, you must make sure this step is done underwater to prevent the air from entering the branches. Note after cutting the stems, you should leave the stems in the water for 5 – 10 minutes then putting flower it into the vase.

The vase of flowers must always be clean, free of stains, and free of soap because this can change the pH of the water and make flowers quickly spoil.

Leaf pruning tools must be clean to ensure that the flowers are kept fresh for a long time.

In addition, to keep a vase fresh for a longer time, it is necessary to change the water for flower regularly, it is best to change the water daily basis to ensure adequate supply of nutrients for the branches, eliminate bacteria in the water flower arrangement.


Each Lily flower colour gives a different meaning to decorate or give to relatives and friends on special occasions. We hope you enjoy this article, and it will help you on how to care Lilies flower and keep it fresh for a longer time. Please contact GS Flowers or phone 03 7006 1095 to order a freshest and most beautiful bouquets for you or your loved ones.

All content in this article Copyright © 2021 GS Flowers unless otherwise stated.

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